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Welcome to the Classical Music Symposium. Dozens of classical music midi files, and dozens of classical composers biographies, midi files and literature and links, and more. Over 100 classical music midi files, all free! Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Liszt, Mozart, classical midi music files, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky; Handel, Haydn, Debussy, and Dvorak too! Classical midi music and composers at their finest.
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![classical music lovers](welcome.gif)
The Classical Music Symposium is for all lovers of classical music. This site is meant as a musical reference center for the sights, sounds, and information of this form of music.
Our Composers area contains full-length compositions by several of the Masters, as well as detailed biographies of each composer. Our Literature area contains further reading on classical music and
its composers, while Links contains dozens of classical music - related sites for you to explore. And our Classical Midi Music Index contains a complete listing of every classical midi music file on this site for your
enjoyment or downloading, free.
Classical music, classical composers, and classical midi music files abound. Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, midi music, Chopin, Haydn, and more; listen to classical midi music like you've never heard it, read about classical music composers and their stories, follow classical music links to other
related classical music sites. Dozens of classical midi music files and composers, too. More Midi music than you can shake a baton at! Plus, over 12 of the greatest classical music composers the world has ever known.
All classical midi music files on this site are public domain and may therefore be downloaded without permission. If you find a midi file on this site you believe to be copyrighted, please contact me at the e-mail link to the left.
Each of the classical composers represented here has numerous examples of his work available in midi format, from piano concertos to full symphonies. If your browser doesn't have a Midi Player, you may download one free at LiveWire, called Crescendo.
Classical music, composers, midi music files, classical midi music files, free downloadable; Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Handel, Chopin, Brahms, and more. Classical music composers from the 17th Century to the Present abound. And Midi, midi, and more midi music and music files, all free!
Enjoy your sojourn here in the Classical Music Symposium. Learn about the greatest composers who ever lived, listen and enjoy the over two hours of music from each one in free midi files, explore the various links throughout the site to other beautiful and educational places, and browse through the library for further reading. We hope you enjoy your
Composers, and midi compositions; sheet music, midi files, and examples of classical composers' compositions are here for you to download free! Classical music and midi, plus composers work, abound. Enjoy this classical symposium!
Classical music and composers, as well as classical midi music files are free for your downloading pleasure. Want classical composers? Beethoven, Brahms, Bach, Handel, Liszt, Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, Haydn, and more, all here in stunning classical midi music format!
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![Bach](bach.gif) ![Beethoven](beeth.gif) ![Chopin](chopin.gif) ![Debussy](debussy.gif) ![Dvorak](dvorak.gif) ![Haydn](haydn.gif)
All compositions in the Symposium are believed to be Public Domain, and therefore free for downloading. Do not link to the midi files on this site, but download to your own computer or server.
If you find a work you believe to be copyrighted, please inform us by e-mailing the appropriate information. All other images on this site require the permission of the author to copy.
Copyright © 1998-2001 by Mr. Maestro, All Rights Reserved.